List of articles in category E-Library
Textes Besney, by Catherine Paris (1968)
Başka Bir Vatanımız Yok! Abhazyanın Bağımsızlık Savaşı: 1992–1993, by Selçuk Sımsım
The Tragedy of South Ossetia: Lawlessness of Genocide, by Vasily Abaev
The Tsar's Abolitionists: The Slave Trade in the Caucasus and Its Suppression, by Liubov Kurtynova-D'Herlugnan
Caucasian Battlefields: A History of the Wars on the Turco-Caucasian Border 1828-1921, by W.E.D Allen & Paul Muratoff
How to live to be 100 - The life-style of the people of the Caucasus, by Sula Benet
The Ossetes: Modern-Day Scythians of the Caucasus, by Richard Foltz
Aiaaira: 1992–1993 | Photo Album
Greeks in Abkhazia, by Nikolai Ioanidi 
Le Parler Besney (tcherkesse oriental) de Zennun Köyü (Çorum, Turquie), by Orhan Alparslan, Georges Dumézil
Modern Hatreds: The Symbolic Politics of Ethnic War, by Stuart J. Kaufman
Şimali Kafkasya | Северный Кавказ (North Caucasus) Journal
Горцы Кавказа | Kafkasya Dağlıları (Mountaineers of the Caucasus) Journal
Collection of articles and memoirs about the Patriotic War of the People of Abkhazia in 1992–1993
Kronolojik Abhazya Tarihi (Chronological History of Abkhazia), by Timur Achugba
The value of the past: myths, identity and politics in Transcaucasia, by Victor A. Shnirelman
List of documents on the history of Abkhazia of the XIX - early XX centuries by funds The Russian State Historical Archive
Detailed report on General Baron Peter von Uslar's Abkhazian studies, by Anton Schiefner
Ο Σταλιν κι ο Χασιμ (1901-1902) - Stalin and Hashim (1901–1902)
The Songs of the Kodor Abkhazians, by Konstantin Kovács
On Stalin and Stalinism: Historical Essays, by Roy Medvedev
The Law and Politics of Engaging De Facto States: Injecting New Ideas for an Enhanced EU Role, by Benedikt Harzl
Caucasia, by Great Britain Foreign Office
Emigration of Muslims from the Russian Empire in the Years After the Crimean War, by Alan W. Fisher
Patriotic War (1992-1993). Questions of the military-political history of Abkhazia, by Aslan Avidzba
A Dictionary of Proto-Circassian Roots, by Aert Hendrik Kuipers
Le verbe oubykh. Études descriptives et comparatives (The Ubykh Verb: Descriptive and Comparative Studies), by Georges Dumézil
The Peaks, Passes, and Glaciers of the Caucasus, by Douglas W. Freshfield
The Forests of the Western Caucasus, by Eduard A. Rubel
The Abkhaz State Museum | 1917–2017
From Conflict to Autonomy in the Caucasus, by Arsène Saparov
The Caucasus Under Soviet Rule, by Alex Marshall
Postage stamps of the Republic of Abkhazia | Catalogue: 1993–2003
Black Sea, by Neal Ascherson
Ajalugu, Sõda, Ajaloosõda. Abhaasia-Gruusia Vastuolud Ja Nende Tõlgendused - Aivar Jürgenson
Август Мартин и эстонские материалы о событиях в. Абхазии (1917–1921 гг.) - Станислав Лакоба
Encore sur l'oubykh d'Evliyā Čelebi, by Elio Provasi
Aproximaciones al estatus jurídico en derecho internacional público de las provincias separatistas de Abjasia y Osetia del Sur ante la guerra de Osetia de 2008
A North Caucasian Etymological Dictionary, by Sergei Starostin (Ed.)
L’oubykh d’Evliya Çelebi, by Georges Dumézil
Studies in West Circassian phonology and morphology, by Rieks Smeets
The Trans-Caucasian campaign of the Turkish army under Omer Pasha; a personal narrative, by Laurence Oliphant
Patriots and filibusters or Incidents of political and exploratory travel, by Laurence Oliphant
Language Aspects of Ethnic Patterns and Processes in the North Caucasus, by Ronald Wixman
Trois récits oubykhs, by Georges Dumézil
In Denikin's Russia and the Caucasus, 1919-1920, by Carl Eric Bechhofer Roberts
Russia and the Negro: Blacks in Russian History and Thought, by Allison Blakely
Tschik: Geschichten aus dem Kaukasus
Sandro of Chegem, by Fazil Iskander
Kafkasya'nın Ticaret Tarihi (The History of Trade in the Caucasus), by Ahmet Canbek



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