
Aiaaira [Victory]: National Anthem of the Republic of Abkhazia

Abkhaz Flag

Aiaaira (in Abkhaz: Victory) is the national anthem of the Republic of Abkhazia. The state anthem was adopted when Abkhazia declared independence in 1992. After Sergey Bagapsh was elected president, a draft law was issued “On the State Anthem of the Republic of Abkhazia” and passed on a third reading on October 24, 2007. The Abkhaz anthem is based on the opening motif and lyrics of the Abkhaz revolutionary-liberation song “Kyaraz” from the period when Abkhazia was occupied by troops of the Georgian Democratic Republic.

The lyrics were written by Gennady Alamia, and the music was written by Valera Chkadua.

The National Anthem of the Republic of Abkhazia · [Aiaaira (Victory)] by Slovak State Philharmonic Orchestra (Instrumental).

AbkhazWorld · The National Anthem of the Republic of Abkhazia · [Aiaaira (Victory)] (With lyrics).

Download: Short Version (MP3). Scroll down for the music sheet.


Шәнеибац, шәнеибац,
Аҧсуаа рыҷкәынцәа.
Аҧсны азыҳәан
Ашьа казҭәаз,
Аҧсуаа рыҷкәынцәа.
Ашьа казҭәаз,
Аҧсуаа рыҷкәынцәа. 

О-ҳо-ҳо-о ҳо-о-Рада
О-ҳо-ҳо-о ҳо-о-Рада-Ра!
Ажәҩан мрадоуп, еҵәадоуп
Уара уда Аҧсынра!
Еҵәa-бырлаш Аҧсынтәла,
Улҧха згәаҵақәа ирҭыҧхо,
Геи-шьхеи рыҧшӡара заҧшнылаз.        
Жәлар ламысла иҳаракоит. 

Рада, Реида, Рарира
Рада, Рерама, Рерашьа.
Нарҭаа риирa-зиироу
Афырхацәа Ран-Гуашьа
Аҧсынтәыла-иҧшьоч атәыла
Зхы здиныҳәалаз Анцәа
Зқьышықәасала имҩасхьо гылоуп
Рыжәаҩа еибырҭоит уҧацәа. 

Шәнеибац Аҧсныжәлар!
Аишьцәа, шәнеибац!
Нхыҵ-аахыҵ ҳаицуп!
Ҳазшаз илаҧш
Ҳхыуп иаҳхымшәо
Ҧеҧш лаша ҳзышуп! 

Шәнеибац, Аҧсныжәлар,
Игылеит ҳамра,
Иақәым ҭашәара!
Шьардаамҭа, Аҧсынра.

English Translation

March on, march on,
sons of Abkhazia!
Shed our blood
for Abkhazia,
sons of Abkhazia!
Shed our blood
for independence,
sons of Abkhazia!

Like the sun on the sky,
you are always Abkhazia!
Your love has warmed countless hearts,
with mountains and seas put on you. 
Men's conscience also puts on you,
Starry, sacred Abkhazia!

Rada, Reyda, Rarira,
Rada, Rerama, Rerasha!
Mother of the hero,
where Nart is born - how sacred!
Abkhazia, may God bless you
for thousands more of years to come.
Children unite as one people,
Brothers shoulder to shoulder.

March on, Abkhazians!
Brothers, march on!
In Transcaucasia,
we're always here,
God's watching here,
for a better future!

March on, Abkhazians!
The sun is rising!
What a bright future!
Love forever,
that's God's bless to
Abkhazia's bright future!

Abkhaz Anthem Music Sheet

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