Abkhazia's New Caves and the Journey of Naming

Cavers climb around a deep pool of water in one of the Veryovkina cave's side passages. | National Geographic

The small, yet geographically diverse region of Abkhazia has recently gained attention in the speleological community due to new discoveries in its cave systems. Notably, Abkhazia is already recognised for having caves that rank in the first four lines of the world's deepest explored and studied caves, all located in the Arabika Massif. This list includes the Veryovkina Cave, with a depth of 2223 metres, and the Krubera-Voronya Cave, at 2199 metres, Sarma cave at 2199 metres and Snezhnaya cave at at 1340 metres.

Read more …Abkhazia's New Caves and the Journey of Naming

«Аџьашьахәы ҟалаӡом! Ҳара наунагӡа амилаҭтә мазара ҳцәыӡит, ҳахәҭак ҳцәыӡит»

Асида Шьаҟрыл, азинхьчаҩ, ԥыхьатәи Ауаҩы изинқәа рыхьчаразы азинмчы змоу.

Абри ацәанырра раԥхьаӡа акәны иԥысшәеит сашьа Алхас даныҟамла. Иара дҭахеит Гагра ахақәиҭтәраан. Акыраамҭа ишьҭан, дырзыԥшаауамызт. Уи ҵыхәаԥҵәара змамыз, иузхымго амшқәа ракәын, аха уеизгьы-уеизгьы аџьашьахәы уақәгәыӷны уаанымгылакәа анцәа уиҳәоит, уиашьапкуеит.

Анаҩс саб ӷәӷәала дырхәит ҳәа аарыцҳаит. Нас ҩаԥхьа угәы злаҭәыз агәырҩа, иухугаз уцәыӡқәа зегьы хьаа ҿыцны иузцәырҵоит, аха уара уеизгьы анцәа уиҳәоит, уиҳәоит аанҿасрада. Уи ацәанырра еснагь исҭаауеит бзиа избо ауаа наӡаӡа ианысԥырҵуа.

Read more …«Аџьашьахәы ҟалаӡом! Ҳара наунагӡа амилаҭтә мазара ҳцәыӡит, ҳахәҭак ҳцәыӡит»

Abkhazia and Georgia: A Selective Approach to Human Rights

Following the distressing event on December 9th in Gal, Abkhazia, where 40-year-old Georgian citizen Temur Karbaia tragically lost his life, questions arise about the response of both Abkhazian and Georgian authorities to human rights issues. Karbaia reportedly succumbed to injuries inflicted by local police, sparking discussions on selective silence and condemnation by officials regarding human rights abuses.

Read more …Abkhazia and Georgia: A Selective Approach to Human Rights



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