Support Osman Markaryan's Fight Against Sensorimotor Alalia - A Charity Appeal

Osman Markaryan's mother reached out to the Ashana Foundation for assistance. Osman, who is six years old, has sensorimotor alalia, a condition characterized by a significant underdevelopment of speech. Throughout his life, Osman has faced difficulties perceiving information and understanding speech. He struggles to catch words and is unable to reproduce them, making it difficult for him to understand what others want from him, whether it be to play or talk.

Read more …Support Osman Markaryan's Fight Against Sensorimotor Alalia - A Charity Appeal

Ukrainian Writer Yuri Pokalchuk on Abkhazia and the Protection of the Weak

Yuri Pokalchuk (1941 - 2008) was a Ukrainian writer, translator, researcher.

Yuri Pokalchuk (1941 - 2008) was a Ukrainian writer, translator, researcher, candidate of philological sciences, head of the international department of the Writers' Union of Ukraine.

He was born on 24 January 1941 in Kremenets, Ukraine. Pokalchuk's childhood and adolescence was spent in Lutsk, where he graduated from school and from the Lutsk Pedagogical Institute. Later he transferred to Leningrad University (Department Oriental languages, Indology).

He knew 11 foreign languages, including Polish, English, Spanish and French. His knowledge of languages has also led him to professionally translate works from writers such as Jorge Luis Borges, Ernest Hemingway, Julio Cortázar, Jorge Amada, Mario Vargas Llosa, Rudyard Kipling, Arthur Rimbaud, and García Lorca. 

Pokalchuk travelled to many countries and lectured in the United States, Canada, Argentina, Brazil, Portugal, Spain, Poland, and Russia.

Read more …Ukrainian Writer Yuri Pokalchuk on Abkhazia and the Protection of the Weak

Eugen Krammig: A German with an Abkhazian Destiny

Eugen W. Krammig (1950 - 2010) was a German Journalist, philanthropist and Honorary Consul of Abkhazia in Germany.

"Eugen Krammig was born in 1950 in Hanau, a town located near Frankfurt. Throughout his life, he experienced many interesting and eventful moments. Krammig was a truly talented and versatile individual - he worked as a journalist and was also a sportsman. He had the opportunity to accompany famous people such as Jimmy Hendrix and Pink Floyd. In addition to his professional pursuits, Krammig was also known for his compassion and willingness to help others. He aided those affected by the earthquake in Turkey and children from Chernobyl, Chechnya, and other countries."

Read more …Eugen Krammig: A German with an Abkhazian Destiny

Abhazya Abhazya'dır | Sakarya Kartvel Gürcü Laz Kültür Derneği'ne Cevaben

Abhazya Abhazya'dır | Sakarya Kartvel Gürcü Laz Kültür Derneği'ne Cevaben


Sakarya Kartvel Gürcü Laz Kültür Derneği’nin 19 Aralık tarihli ‘Abhazya Gürcistan’dır, Gürcistan Hepimizin!’ adlı yazısını okuduğumuzda çoğu zaman yaptığımız gibi ciddiye almayarak geçiştirmiştik. Ne de olsa sadece Gürcü milliyetçileri tarafından tekrarlanan ve hiç bir ciddi akademisyenin, tarihçinin önemsemediği hipotezlerin yeni bir tekrarından başka bir şey değildi. Yazdıkları ikinci yazıyı okuduğumuzda bu sefer en azından düşünmelerini sağlamak için bir cevap yazmanın gerekli olduğunu düşündük.

Read more …Abhazya Abhazya'dır | Sakarya Kartvel Gürcü Laz Kültür Derneği'ne Cevaben



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