Selected FBIS Reports on Chechnya, Abkhazia & the Chechen War

Dzhokhar Dudayev, the first president of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria.
FBIS Reports/Translations: (The Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) began in 1941 as the Foreign Broadcast Monitoring Service (later the Foreign Broadcast Intelligence Service). Its purpose is to provide translations of radio broadcasts in selected foreign countries.)
Keywords: Chechnya, Abkhazia, Dudayev, Ardzinba, Shevardnadze, Yeltsin, Russia, Chechen War
- Dudayev Meets Abkhazia Delegation in Groznyy - June 1992
- Dudayev on Georgia and the Confederation of Mountain Peoples of the Caucasus (CMPC) - September 1992
- Caucasian Confederation Set To Aid Chechnya - December 1994
- Video: Dzhokhar Dudayev meets Shamil Basayev's "Abkhaz[ia] Battalion"
- Video: Dzhokhar Dudayev on Abkhazia
- Shevardnadze Supports Russian Actions in Chechnya - December 1994
- Abkhaz Battalion in Chechnya 'Completely Destroyed' - March 1995
- Chechen Fighter Unit Reportedly Set Up in Abkhazia - October 1995
- Joint Russian-Georgian Battalion Protecting Chechen Border - October 1995
- Tbilisi Stops 200 Abkhaz Fighters Heading for Chechnya - January 1996
- Shevardnadze Welcomes Yeltsin's Chechen Settlement Plan - April 1996
FBIS-USR-92-36, 23 Oct 1992 (page 101). "Tbilisi Svobodnaya Gruziya" in Russian (23 September 1992, page 4).
11th Parliamentary Session of the The Confederation of Mountain Peoples of the Caucasus. Grozny 1992. Musa Shanibov (centre), Dzhokhar Dudayev (right).
Dzhokhar Dudayev (1992) "We have only one future: to unite the Caucasus as a Confederation [of Mountain Peoples of the Caucasus], to give the right of self-determination to every nation here and to withdraw immediately Russian troops from Caucasian territory.”
"President of the Chechen Republic D. Dudayev received in Grozny a Public Delegation, which included actors from the Abkhaz Drama Theater, journalists, and volunteer warriors fighting against the bandit formations of Shevardnadze-Ioseliani.
First and foremost, the guests expressed gratitude personally to the President of Chechnya for providing political and moral support at the state level to the Abkhaz side in its just struggle for national freedom and independence, as well as to the entire fraternal Chechen people, for whom, according to D. Dudayev, spoken at the reception, the pain of Abkhazia has become their own.
When asked what future he envisions for Abkhazia - as part of Georgia, Russia, or as an independent republic, the President answered that, ultimately, Abkhazia must and will inevitably become free, independent, and sovereign.
Peace and tranquility will not come to the long-suffering land of Abkhazia until all Georgian troops are withdrawn to the last soldier, said the President of Chechnya, and he has repeatedly reminded the current Georgian leadership of this.
The entire Caucasus must unite, and only then will we be truly strong, D. Dudayev added in conclusion. The meeting of the Abkhaz delegation with the president was attended by the well-known Caucasian public figure Mzia Shervashidze."
A. Sadulayev. Newspaper "Caucasian Chronicle", No: 6(10), February 20-26, 1993.
А. Садулаев. Газета «Кавказская хроника», №6(10), 20-26 февраля 1993 г.
+ Georgian-Abkhaz War | FBIS Reports (Aug-Oct. 1992)
+ North Caucasian Republics Discuss Abkhazia
+ The Blockade of Abkhazia
FBIS,SOV-95-015 | 24 January 1995 (p.63)
LD230113095 Tbilisi Radio Network in Georgian 0628 GMT, 23 Jan [19]95.
'Grozny assault may be near.' By Chris Bird [AP]. 19 December 1994
Le Monde (Paris) in French - (May 1995) (FBIS Translation)
Shevardnadze: "everything that is happening in Chechnya began with Abkhazia." [February 9, 1996 (Moscow - NTV Interview)]