Liana Kvarchelia: Respect to Those Who Dared to Defy the General Line

Liana Kvarchelia, Deputy Director of The Centre for Humanitarian Programs in Sukhum.
SUKHUM / AQW'A ― In the wake of the Abkhazian parliament's controversial ratification of the Abkhaz-Russian agreement on the Pitsunda state dacha, Liana Kvarchelia, Deputy Director of The Centre for Humanitarian Programs in Sukhum, has issued a poignant statement. Originally posted in Russian on Nuzhnaya Gazeta's Telegram channel and translated to English, her remarks come as a response to the parliament's unexpected decision, made in the early hours amidst significant public protest and opposition. Kvarchelia's message, addressing both the parliament's actions and the wider implications for Abkhazian society, reflects the turmoil and discontent simmering in the wake of these events.
Respect to Those Who Dared to Defy the General Line
Truly good deeds are never done away from the public eye. If our deputies have demonstrated such zeal as to make such a significant decision in the dead of night, it must stem from personal interest or sheer cowardice. I wish I could say it's a sense of responsibility driving them, but, unfortunately, this is not backed by logical arguments supporting their decision. After all, one can sincerely believe they are acting rightly.
Respect to those brave enough to defy the general line. But such courageous individuals are alarmingly scarce, not just in the parliament. There is no real opposition. With Pandora's box now open, the authorities have shown their might not only to their own people but also to those inheriting Abkhazian assets. Come January, a flurry of new laws is expected: on energy, apartments, and, inevitably, on foreign agents. The latter won't just impact NGOs like us, from whom many are already distancing themselves. Some even call for outright execution, which, sadly, isn't shocking.
The recent meeting of my former university colleagues with the president and the National Security Council secretary was quite telling. If only I didn't know you!
Therefore, the foreign agent law will impact everyone with an independent opinion, and ignorance of foreign organisations won't protect you. This law has become a matter of "honour" for the ambitious young minister, aiming to propel him to a fitting position in Moscow — as our local scale is too limited for him.
Amidst all this filth and overwhelming cynicism, I continue to find joy in our pure, intelligent, brave youth who love their country! They are our sole beacon of hope for the nation's future.
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!
Liana Kvarchelia, for those unaware of my initials.