UNPO Signs Cooperation Agreement With The Abkhaz Chamber Of Commerce

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Republic of Abkhazia was founded in 1994
Today, 27 June 2013, the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) signed a cooperation agreement with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Abkhazia at UNPO’s Brussels office. This agreement represents an important commitment by both sides to collaborate in future to support the Republic of Abkhazia in its economic and institutional development.
The agreement focuses on four key areas of cooperation, including projects in the areas of agriculture, water management and tourism; cooperation with other Chambers of Commerce, both from UNPO members and other nations and regions; institutional development and economic exchange; and educational training, particularly focused on economic empowerment.
The agreement was signed by UNPO General Secretary Marino Busdachin and the Chamber of Commerce President, and former Prime Minister of the Republic of Abkhazia, Gennady Gagulia. UNPO is delighted to have made this commitment to the development of Abkhazia and looks forward to working closely with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Abkhazia to achieve a shared vision of a prosperous and well-developed Abkhazia.
Source: UNPO