Ekaterina Bebia's Military Chronicle Photo Exhibition Opens in Sukhum

SUKHUM / AQW'A —  Supported by the cellular operator "A-mobile", Ekaterina Bebia's thought-provoking photo exhibition "Chronicle of War" welcomed its first visitors at the Abkhazian State University on Wednesday, September 27.

The renowned journalist and war correspondent, Ekaterina Bebia, presents a collection of around 1600 striking military photographs, meticulously compiled from her archive. These images provide a profound insight into the pivotal events of the war and intimately portray the soldiers from both the Eastern and Western fronts.

The exhibition is housed at the Abkhazian State University building, available for public viewing on September 27. Subsequently, it will be relocated to the square by the Samson Chanba Drama Theater on September 28. The concluding presentation of this significant collection will take place in Ochamchira on September 29. "I was afforded the opportunity to select a district for the exhibition. I chose Ochamchira, the district that bore the brunt of the devastation. During the war, my assignments to the Eastern front were limited, focusing mainly on capturing the Gumista front and the Gagra direction, but I managed to assemble some of the most impactful shots. Today marks a highly significant day for me, our archive, and our history," Bebia expressed with emotion.

The date, September 27, holds significant historical weight in the republic as it commemorates the liberation of the Abkhazian capital, Sukhum, from Georgian occupiers. This day, three decades ago, witnessed Abkhazian troops advancing into the heart of Sukhum. In remembrance of this pivotal moment, the city hosts a series of festive and memorial events.




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