Statement by the press service to the President of the Republic of Abkhazia

SUKHUM -- In connection with the Address to the nation by delegates of the extraordinary congress of 'Amtsakhara' political party the press service to the President of the Republic of Abkhazia is authorized to declare that the leadership of Abkhazia highly appreciates Amtsakhara party's support to the idea of the need of signing a treaty between the Republic of Abkhazia and the Russian Federation.
The President of the Republic of Abkhazia in his public statements, as well as the Amtsakhara party, has repeatedly mentioned his disagreement with a number of provisions of the draft treaty proposed by the Russian side and stressed the need of preparing a draft treaty in the edition of the Abkhazian side , this being a widely recognized negotiation practice.
During a wide public discussion initiated by the President of the Republic of Abkhazia in which representatives of the Amtsakhara party has taken an active part, the Parliament, public organizations and a number of experts have developed their proposals.
Based on them a joint working group of the Parliament and the executive power has developed a draft treaty between the Republic of Abkhazia and the Russian Federation on alliance and strategic partnership which was submitted by the President for consideration of the Russian side.
The leadership of Abkhazia is ready to a close constructive cooperation with representatives of the Amtsakhara party, other political and public organizations, as well as the expert community when preparing a set of agreements developing this treaty.
The leadership of Abkhazia reaffirms its commitment to openness of discussing problems of state-building and international policy, as well as to a dialogue with all political forces of the country.