145 Repatriants from the Syrian Arab Republic are Settled into the hotel "Aytar" in Sukhum

SUKHUM -- 145 repatriants who arrived in Abkhazia from the Syrian Arab Republic have settled into the hotel "Aytar" in Sukhum. Despite the lateness of the hour (03.30), they were met in the courtyard by Foreign Minister Viacheslav Chirikba, by members of the public, and by young people actively involved in helping repatriants from Syria adapt to life in Abkhazia. Practically until dawn they helped unload the suitcases and carry them into the hotel. With tears in her eyes, Syrian repatriants who had earlier returned to their motherland and who at the present time are residing in the hotel “Aytar” met their compatriots. Among the large group who arrived were their closest relatives, friends and acquaintances.
Bear in mind that the plane chartered by the government of Abkhazia arrived from Beirut into Sochi at 22.00 hours Moscow time. At the airport our compatriots were met by Deputy Foreign Minister Irakli Khintba, representatives of the State Committee for Repatriation, representatives of the public, and by journalists. The group was accompanied by diplomats from the Foreign Affairs’ Ministry of Abkhazia Inar Gitsba and Tengiz Tarba, who had bee sent earlier to Beirut by the government of Abkhazia in order to strengthen the preparatory work and facilitate the organisation of flight out. Most of the practical work had been carried out by the plenipotentiary of the Abkhazian Foreign Ministry for organising and coordinating the repatriation from Syria, Yasser Maan.
On the Russian-Abkhazian border, where the buses carrying the returnees arrived at 01:00 hours, the customs and border-inspection process took less than an hour, since there waiting for them here, and everything was organised with precision.
According to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia Irakli Khintba, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic, under the personal supervision of the Prime Minister Leonid Lakerbaia, effected an intensive coordination of the process of repatriation, being in constant contact with the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Federal Air Transport Agency of the Russian Federation, and the Russian Embassy in Syria. "All necessary assistance was quickly rendered on the part of the Russian structures, which indicates the high level of partnership and friendly relations between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Abkhazia. Serious support for organisation and communication was provided by the Embassy of the Republic of Abkhazia in the Russian Federation," said Khintba in an interview with reporters on arrival in Sukhum.