Abkhazia: Issues of citizenship and security

Date: May 2014
Publisher: Centre for Humanitarian Programmes
ISBN: 978–1–909390–15–7
Language: English, Russian
Region: Europe
Country: Abkhazia, Georgia, Russia
The Centre for Humanitarian Programmes, supported by Institute for Democracy and Saferworld, has carried out research in the different regions of Abkhazia on citizenship and security concerns. A series of focus groups and key informant interviews were carried out to examine perceptions on 'passportisation', freedom of movement, and relations between people and law enforcement agencies.
This report presents the breadth of opinions on these issues, and makes recommendations based on these opinions, including:
- the necessity of, in the short term, developing a system of residence permits and giving the residents of the eastern districts the right to choose between citizenship and a residence permit in accordance with the requirements of Abkhaz legislation;
- informing the population of the eastern districts about the activities conducted by law enforcement agencies in their locality so that they do not experience fear of security providers or border officials;
- conducting regular meetings between the police and the public to ensure a stable channel of communication and maintaining feedback.
The full text in PDF can be downloaded by clicking here (2.76 MB)
Абхазия Вопросы гражданства и безопасно
Source: Safer World