No new cases found of coronavirus-infection in Abkhazia

Twelve people have been tested for coronavirus in the last 24 hours
SUKHUM -- In Abkhazia, three cases of coronavirus-infection have been recorded to date. Patients are under the supervision of doctors.
Twelve people have been tested for coronavirus in the last 24 hours with all results negative, according to the operational headquarters for protecting the population of Abkhazia from coronavirus.
Three patients with a confirmed diagnosis are under the supervision of doctors and are receiving the necessary medication.
+ Elderly woman from Gagra, sick with COVID-19, declined to be hospitalised
+ A third case of coronavirus detected in Abkhazia
Two of the patients are undergoing treatment at the Gudauta Central Hospital; one of the sick - a resident of Gagra, born in 1925 – having refused to be hospitalised is in self-isolation. The condition of those infected is deemed to be stable, free from negative dynamics.
The first sick person was a resident of Gagra, who at the end of March came from Moscow. The two other infected people came into contact with the man and live along with him in the same building.