A medical team from Bashkiria has arrived at the Gudauta hospital

Gudauta Central Hospital

Gudauta Central District Hospital

SUKHUM -- According to the latest data from the Headquarters for Protection against COVID-19, there are 120 people in the Gudauta Central District Hospital, of whom 117 have a confirmed diagnosis of coronavirus. 14 patients are in a serious condition, 27 of moderate severity.

‘A composite team of doctors from various medical institutions of the Republic of Bashkortostan will replace doctors from Nizhny Novgorod in the Gudauta hospital,’ resuscitator Madina Dasania said.

Specialists will help provide medical care to patients with coronavirus.

‘The brigade has already arrived on site and has begun to get acquainted with the Abkhazian doctors. The working-trip will last 21 days,’ the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Bashkortostan" has reported.

Earlier, Bashkir doctors had already travelled to Kyrgyzstan, Karachay-Cherkessia and the Amur Region to offer similar assistance. They came to Abkhazia at the direction of the head of the region Radi Khabirov and an appeal from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

An increase in the number of infected people and an increase in the load on the hospital have resulted in an acute shortage of specialists in Abkhazia, as employees of the Central Regional Hospital of Gudauta noted earlier.

The total number of detected cases of coronavirus in Abkhazia today is 1,332 people. 400 people have recovered, nine people have died. The Operational Headquarters for the Protection of the Population from Coronavirus-infection calls on the citizens of Abkhazia to take all necessary precautions to avoid infection.




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