Sending our deepest sympathies to the families impacted by the tragic earthquake in Turkey and Syria

The combined death toll in Turkey and Syria from the overnight 7.4-magnitude quake has risen officially to over 1,200, according to figures from the authorities. With thousands injured, the death toll is expected to increase as rescue workers search the rubble. Multiple buildings have tumbled down in Syria and, in Turkey, a "level 4 alarm" calling for international assistance has been declared.
We are sending our deepest sympathies to the families impacted by the tragic earthquake in Turkey and Syria. Our thoughts are with those who have lost loved ones and everyone who is suffering. Stay strong and resilient in these trying times.
Türkiye ve Suriye'de meydana gelen trajik depremden etkilenen herkese, tüm Türkiye ve Suriye halkına en derin taziyetlerimizi iletiyoruz. Kalbimiz sevdiklerini kaybedenler ve acı çeken herkesle beraberdir.
تعاطفنا الحار لكل العائلات المتضرره بالزلزال الكارثي الذي ضرب الاراضي التركيه و السورية
و تعازينا لكل من خسر احدا من احباءه و لكل من عانى من هذا الزلزال.
نتمنى لكم الصمود و الصبر في هذا الوقت الصعب.
Тыркум абы игъусэу Сирием къыщыхъуа щӏыхеир зыхэзыщӏа цӏыхуу хъуам дахуогузавэр. Куэду ди жагъуэщ. Зи псэ хэкӏуэлахэм дахуощыгъуэ. Гукӏэ-псэкӏэ даригъусэщ. Тхьэм абы и нэхъыкӏэм цӏыхур хуимыгъэзэ. Гузэвэгъуэ хэтхэм Тхьэр яригъусэ.
Ҳара гәалсра дула иҳадаҳкылеит Ҭырқәтәылеи Шьамтәылеи рҿы иҟалаз адгьылҵысра ажәабжь. Иҭахаз рҭаацәа ҳрыдышшылоит, ахәрақәа зауз агәабзиара рзеиӷьаҳшьоит.